Adopt a Verona apple tree: give a gift to you and nature!
Spend a day in nature, to collect the fruit of a year of work and share it with family and friends in a tasty snack in the apple orchard: now you can do it by adopting a Melo di Verona.
How did the project come about?
The idea came to us by talking to the inhabitants and farmers of Belfiore and Ronco all’Adige: a land strongly dedicated to apple production, probably already in Roman times. We started this project thinking about how to welcome you and make you discover a place where the land gives work and fruits that make you feel good.
How does it work?
Adoption is a donation, valid for one year from the subscription, which gives you the opportunity to have:
Certificate of Adoption

You will receive the digital certificate by email.
You can also give the adoption as a gift, indicating the name of the person you want to give the gift to.
Dedicated monthly newsletter

We will send you how the orchard is going, how the season goes, some recipes and stories of the territory.
Partecipation to the adopter’s Day

Come to know the producer: we will take a walk in the territory with an environmental guide, you will visit your apple tree, and you can collect your box of apples.
Why choose to adopt a Belfiore Apple Tree?
Because you take home a healthy and genuine fruit, harvested with your own hands.
You can treat yourself to this experience by spending a day in nature, in direct contact with the land, knowing the people who work every day to bring agricultural products to your table.
It becomes a way to be even more of an aware consumer. By having a farmer available throughout the day, you will have the necessary knowledge for your purchases, knowing which apple is best for you, in what season and when it is better to consume it. Because it is true that one apple a day keeps the doctor away, but apples are not all the same!
How much does it cost?
The adoption costs 40 euro and includes the certificate of adoption, the subscription to the Newsletter, the visit to the company and the snack, 10 kilos of Belfiore apples, the visit to the places of Belfiore with an environmental cultural animator.
After filling out the form on this page, we will send you the regulations and the data you need to make the payment.
We will need to know:
– Your name or that of the person to whom the gift is addressed
– Your e-mail address and a telephone contact
– copy of the payment | IBAN IT 17 Y 08732 59850 00000 0765 59

When is it harvested?
What if I can't participate?
If you can’t participate we will agree with the farmer when you can come to visit the company to bring home the apples with the varieties that will be available in that period (from September to November).
If you have friends or relatives who are not adopters, but who would like to participate with you in the collection write to us. We will send you the modalities and costs for their participation.
Form for Adoption
Who are the producers?
Impronta Agricola
Consorzio Ortofrutticolo di Belfiore
The history of Melo Decio di Belfiore

The origin of the Melo Decio could date back to Roman times. Its name, now changed to Decio, derives from D’Ezio, a general who landed in Adria and fought in Padua against Attila.
In 1941 Primo Candioli wrote for the Agricultural Inspectorate the Summaries of the practical fruit growing, defining Melo Decio an “old Veronese variety recommended only to farmers who, through pruning, fertilising and pest protection, are able to produce large, healthy fruit every year. It works well only in the fresh soils of the Middle and Lower Veronese. ”
And it is precisely in Belfiore that this variety has had its greatest expansion over the years and obtained the best production quality.
It can be consumed only in the middle of winter because at the time of harvest it has a too high acidity.
The fruit has a flattened shape, green with an overpale pink colour that extends over 20-30% of the surface. This is obtained by placing the fruits on the straw or by exposing them to the sun. The fruit has a compact white pulp, characterized by a typical flavor and perfume still appreciated in some Veronese markets.
An apple tree so fragrant that some fruits in the past were used to give a good smell to cupboards, drawers and wardrobes. But Melo Decio, with its firm pulp, is excellent for the production of mustards as well as for fresh consumption.